
Domus — Quality, Novelty, and Green Architecture

Domus Company has been operating in the real estate market since 2006. The company’s main activities include implementing development and construction projects – be it residential, office or commercial. The Domus team is constantly in pursuit of perfection. Quality, novelty and green architecture are the foremost and unchanging values that guide the company. These values define the sustainability standards of Domus. Maintaining these principles at all stages of our activities is paramount. Each company in the Domus Group — Domus Development, Domus Construction, Domus Aluminium, Domus Service, Georgian Outlets and Resorts Group — participates in maintaining a healthy environment, which Domus acknowledges is a crucial aspect of living a longer life.

Managing Partner Giorgi Giorgadze talks about corporate sustainability projects implemented by Domus.

Are the Sustainable Development Goals integral to your company’s business strategy?

Indeed, sustainable development is an important part of Domus’s business strategy. We work towards promoting the environmental, social and economic aspects. We do our best to reduce the environmental impact of construction. A clear example is the Vake Park Complex of Domus at Paliashvili Street #87, the first project in the local market created with eco-friendly architecture. The green concept implies consideration of important components in the project: energy efficiency, insolation, maximizing the natural light, perforated metal façade that allows ventilation, green roofs, heating, cooling, irrigation systems, as well as the abundance of greenery and so on. In addition, Domus purchased a 550 m2 area adjacent to this building, where construction on a 10-story residential complex was planned. However, instead of building, we preserved the perennial fir trees on this plot and planted a bamboo square. This was an unprecedented decision.

Promoting environmental protection and sustainable development is part of the organizational culture of Domus Company. By using energy-efficient materials and systems in our projects, we reduce energy consumption, thereby helping residents save on utility bills while also contributing to a healthier living environment.

What does introducing international standards in Georgian companies imply, and how important is it to become a member of such platforms as the UN Global Compact? What would you say to other companies? Why should they join this initiative?

Introducing international standards in Georgian companies is a prerequisite for sector development. If we want to align with Western standards, we must take quick steps. Domus has been adhering to international standards for many years and utilizes the methodologies of Western companies when creating residential and multifunctional projects.Membership in the UN Global Compact Platform allows us to contribute actively to developing this field, which is crucial for our company. The membership involves upholding and integrating Ten Principles related to respect for human rights, labor rights, environmental protection and anti-corruption measures. The platform supports our business in many aspects. It helps us cooperate with the state structures, allows us to participate in policy-making and facilitates establishing new partnership relations through shared experiences.

What does a responsible company mean to you, and why should the private sector take responsibility for the harm caused by its activities?

The private sector, especially construction and real estate companies, has a responsibility to do no harm to the environment. Ensuring the quality and safety of people and creating a healthy environment are the main priorities for Domus. The standards, methodology, quality control and multiple years of experience help us to promote sustainable development.

In addition to creating comfort for customers, establishing the Domus Service involves maintaining and developing a long-term quality living environment.

What is the biggest challenge for Georgia in terms of sustainable development, as well as for your activities, and in what areas do you need support?

The biggest challenge for sustainable development is the timely introduction of Eurocodes to the market, which requires their implementation, familiarization and regulation.

Sustainable development implies a comprehensive approach. All the UN member states have defined 17 goals — a kind of action plan for the planet’s and people’s welfare. The development companies shall promote and support the creation of sustainable cities and residential areas, provide solutions to the existing problem of waste recycling (the absence of this practice prevents development companies from obtaining an international certificate) and achieve LEED certification, which confirms the compliance with the requirements of green architecture.

Raising the awareness of customers presents another challenge. Sustainable development is achieved through cooperation with society.

What are your plans? What kind of projects do you plan to implement in the future?

Domus continues to implement innovative and green concept projects. We plan to present several new, multifunctional and residential projects in the central districts of Tbilisi as well as in Old Tbilisi. We plan to respond to the changes in consumer behavior, namely, to adjust to their preference of living in an eco-friendly environment by creating a low-rise building area close to the city.
