  • The first magazine on corporate sustainability in Georgia

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    Sustainability Spotlight

    Sustainability Spotlight, the first ever magazine in Georgia dedicated to corporate sustainability issues will aim to identify the best examples of responsible business practice that reflect the ten principles of the UN Global Compact and other internationally recognised standards.

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    • The UN Global Compact is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, which aims to establish sustainable and responsible corporate standards in the business sector.

      Lana Chkhartishvili, Senior Manager of Educational Programs, Global Compact Network Georgia

      The UN Global Compact is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, which aims to establish sustainable and responsible corporate standards in the business sector.

    • The pandemic made the bank more aware that working towards advancing soft skills and mastering new professions is essential.

      Bank of Georgia

      The pandemic made the bank more aware that working towards advancing soft skills and mastering new professions is essential.

    • Without cooperation, participation, and consultation with the civil sector, companies will not be successful.

      Ertan Kurt, the General Director at Efes Georgia

      Without cooperation, participation, and consultation with the civil sector, companies will not be successful.

    • All participants have made a commitment to adopt sustainable, responsible business policies under the UN global compact’s ten principles for human rights, labour, the environment and anticorruption.

      Sanda Ojiambo, Ceo & Executive Director, UN Global Compact

      All participants have made a commitment to adopt sustainable, responsible business policies under the UN global compact’s ten principles for human rights, labour, the environment and anticorruption.

    • Our Ministry is fully aligned with 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

      Levan Davitashvili, the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia

      Our Ministry is fully aligned with 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

    • Today, when the whole world faces a single, most important challenge - winning the war against the coronavirus pandemic - the need to protect society and the environment, with a unified force, has become even clearer. Once again, the business sector has been reassured that their active cooperation and involvement in building ‘common good’ is crucial.


      Today, when the whole world faces a single, most important challenge - winning the war against the coronavirus pandemic - the need to protect society and the environment, with a unified force, has become even clearer. Once again, the business sector has been reassured that their active cooperation and involvement in building ‘common good’ is crucial.

    • Together, we have a real opportunity to help the earth be the best place it can be by leading with purpose.

      Katie Ratiani, Microsoft Representative and Director of Sales in Georgia

      Together, we have a real opportunity to help the earth be the best place it can be by leading with purpose.

    • The company was not only able to retain all of its employees, but used this challenge to develop a new company strategy - forward, to a new reality!

      GPI Holding

      The company was not only able to retain all of its employees, but used this challenge to develop a new company strategy - forward, to a new reality!

    • HG is one of the first companies in Georgia to implement a broadly useful mechanism in the fight against plastic, by replacing it with paper.


      HG is one of the first companies in Georgia to implement a broadly useful mechanism in the fight against plastic, by replacing it with paper.

    • კლიმატის ცვლილება ყველა ჩვენგანზე ახდენს გავლენას, განსაკუთრებით კი ღარიბ და მოწყვლად მოსახლეობაზე, ამასთან, საკვებისა და წყლის დეფიციტს უწყობს ხელს. თუ სახელმწიფოები არ გადადგამენ ნაბიჯებს სათბურის აირების გაფრქვევების შესამცირებლად, მომავალი წლები კიდევ უფრო მწვავე იქნება ბუნებრივი კატასტროფების შედეგად საზოგადოებების და საბაზრო ეკონომიკების თვალსაზრისით.

      სალომე ზურაბიშვილი, აღმასრულებელი დირექტორი, გლობალური შეთანხმების საქართველოს ქსელი

      კლიმატის ცვლილება ყველა ჩვენგანზე ახდენს გავლენას, განსაკუთრებით კი ღარიბ და მოწყვლად მოსახლეობაზე, ამასთან, საკვებისა და წყლის დეფიციტს უწყობს ხელს. თუ სახელმწიფოები არ გადადგამენ ნაბიჯებს სათბურის აირების გაფრქვევების შესამცირებლად, მომავალი წლები კიდევ უფრო მწვავე იქნება ბუნებრივი კატასტროფების შედეგად საზოგადოებების და საბაზრო ეკონომიკების თვალსაზრისით.