
Board Members of the UN Global Compact Network Georgia

Ekaterine Laliashvili Chairwoman of the Board

Head of Georgia Alliance for Safe Roads

Why is it important to have the UN Global Compact Network Georgia? What has this initiative changed in business behavior for the last several years?

The existence of the UN Global Compact in Georgia is particularly important because its main principles are vital for business, labor rights, gender equality, economic development, and the environment.

The state has a prominent role in advancing essential initiatives. However, business and civil society’s contribution to achieving local and global goals is no less important.

The UN Global Compact provides a unique platform for local and global multi-sectoral cooperation. By sharing international experiences, companies and organizations can introduce international standards, respect labor rights, implement anti-corruption policies and address environmental concerns within the corporate responsibility framework. Being part of the Global Compact and promoting sustainable development makes companies and organizations reputable and trustworthy for investors and donors.

In recent years, more than 150 companies/organizations in Georgia have joined the UN Global Compact and pledged to adhere to ten basic principles. Annual awards increase healthy competition and encourage companies and business leaders to advance their contributions to society and the environment. 

How do you envisage the development of the UN Global Compact Network Georgia in the following years?
Global warming, climatic change and the Covid pandemic have reminded us about the impact of human behavior on the environment. The private sector has a significant role in solving these challenges. In Georgia, public awareness about companies’ social and environmental responsibility is increasing daily. Therefore, responsible corporate behavior is expected not only from investors but also from consumers. Thus, the UN Global Compact Network Georgia creates an opportunity for companies to put principles into practice and, by becoming members of the network, receive the acknowledgement that their policies and actions are in line with a high standard of corporate responsibility.

Michael Cowgill – Board Member

Co-founder and President of the Georgian-American University

Why is it important to have the UN Global Compact Network Georgia? What has this initiative changed in business behavior for the last several years?

UNGC provides a framework for companies to learn, engage and then model their CR/SDG activities. Not only does UNGC bring local companies together, it also is able to bring in best practices from all over the world which are applicable to local conditions and business climate. 

Even though I believe it provides more value to SME’s, the inclusion of larger companies, both locally and globally, adds more credibility to “best practices” for all to follow. This includes moving from a “charity-minded” process to actual SDG’s which are calculable and improve bottom-line performance.

How do you envisage the development of the UN Global Compact Network Georgia in the following years?

Continuing to provide a demonstrable value proposition to companies will be be the ultimate challenge for the sustainability and growth of UNGC in the years to come. Once a company has improved its SDG position to international standards, there must be continued value-added services (such as workshops, seminars, etc.) from the UNGC that justifies the financial fees and reporting requirements. Hopefully, in the future, there will be a more definitive way to monetize CR/SDG to that companies have no doubt as to the value proposition of partnering with UNGC.

Giorgi Chekhani – Board Member

Executive Director of the Georgian Bar Association

Why is it important to have the UN Global Compact in Georgia? What has this initiative changed in business behavior in recent years?

Although business contributes greatly to a country’s development, including creating jobs and technological advancement, companies’ activities and interventions can also cause significant harm to human rights and the environment. Therefore, businesses must become more accountable to society, and responsible practices become a priority. The UN Global Compact Network Georgia contributes to achieving this goal. Let’s look at the dynamics of recent years. The interest of businesses in corporate sustainability has increased significantly, which is expressed by a number of interesting initiatives and activities at the strategic level. Various important UN Global Compact Georgia Network projects — including the Corporate Sustainability Academy, Corporate Sustainability Award, educational programs and so on — played a big role in achieving this result.

How do you envisage the development of the UN Global Compact Network Georgia in the following years?
The major goal of initiating the UN Global Compact years ago was to “give a human face to the global market.” This goal will be realized by emphasizing the corporate responsibility of businesses. The UN Global Compact Network of Georgia is actively working toward this goal at the state, political and societal levels. It is particularly important to accelerate further our efforts to increase public awareness. Increased demand from the community for responsible business practices will prompt businesses to cooperate further with the goals of the UN Global Compact.

Ekaterine Zhvania – Board Member

Executive Director of GEPRA

Why is it important to have the UN Global Compact in Georgia? What has this initiative changed in business behavior in recent years?

The global partnership offers Georgia a wide range of resources, knowledge and expertise. By cooperating with international organizations, businesses in Georgia can access global markets and establish connections with industry leaders worldwide. This tool opens new opportunities for trade and investment and promotes economic growth and diversification. Also, based on the best examples of international practice, we can make significant changes in business behavior and practices. This transformation made Georgian businesses more competitive in the global arena. UN Global Compact Network Georgia has done a lot of work in this direction. Over the years, the network has tirelessly provided theoretical and practical insights about integrating the Global Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the project implementation processes. Georgian companies aligned their activities with the SDGs within the UN Global Agreement framework. As a result, they prioritized the initiatives that contribute to achieving specific SDGs and strengthen the country’s commitment to the sustainable development agenda.

How do you see the development of the UN Global Compact Network Georgia in the following years?
Over the years, the number of Georgian companies joining the UN Global Compact Network Georgia has steadily increased. This demonstrates the growing awareness and commitment of the Georgian business community to sustainable practices and responsible business. This dynamic will grow even more in the coming years, and the network’s activities will play a crucial role. Among the members of the network, the number of small and medium-sized businesses will increase, and their focus will be on integrating the sustainable development agenda into their business practices and daily operations.

Valery Chekheria – Board Member

CEO of Rooms Hotels

Why is the presence of the UN Global Compact in Georgia significant? What has this initiative changed in business behavior in recent years?

Being part of the UN Global Compact indicates transparency and sustainability in business.

The principles of the UN Global Agreement lead to business development opportunities through shared goals and collaboration. It is important to enter the international market, be a role model, make each employee proud to work for your organization and guarantee that all employees and guests receive high-quality products and services.

How do you see the development of the UN Global Compact Network Georgia in the following years?
The development of the UN Global Compact Network Georgia will likely happen very quickly, as many businesses are interested in becoming signatories of these principles. Business in Georgia is growing and expanding; therefore, we will be one of the leaders in our region to cover our country and give a voice to the whole region about improving the world and why our organization should grow even more.

Zurab Lalazashvili – Board Member

Managing Partner of BDO – Georgia

Why is it important to have the UN Global Compact in Georgia? What has this initiative changed in business behavior in recent years?

The topic of sustainability is still quite new globally and especially in Georgia. Therefore, promoting and sharing information on it is very important for Georgia’s business sector and the wider public. For many people, sustainability is still a general term, and the concept behind it still needs to be better understood by society. The existence of the UN Global Compact is important precisely because this organization disseminates information. Therefore, more people understand not only what sustainability means but also what benefits it brings and what they should do to mainstream sustainability in their daily activities.

How do you see the development of the UN Global Compact Network Georgia in the following years?

First, we should continue inviting companies to join our network and spread more information about sustainability, its importance and its benefits. It would also be helpful to introduce an international standard on sustainability reporting so that companies can report and compare. This would also enable consumers to understand and compare.

The government and the National Bank could incentivize companies that implement sustainability principles and draft annual reports. Incentives such as tax breaks or low-interest loans would be an additional motivation for businesses. It can benefit society and the country if more companies consider sustainability in their activities.

Sofio Chachanidze – Board Member

Development Consulting Lead, Managing Partner – ACT

Why is it important to have the UN Global Compact in Georgia? What has this initiative changed in business behavior for the last several years?

The UN Global Compact Network Georgia is an important platform for the business sector. It provides an opportunity for the private sector in developed countries to share experience in implementing SDGs, introduce the best practices and lessons learned, and establish business relations. Additionally, responsible business is an essential prerequisite for public welfare, and this platform creates the best opportunity for businesses to respond to global challenges and bring sustainable results to society. Mutually beneficial results must be achieved in this process.

How do you envisage the development of the UN Global Compact Network Georgia in the following years?
Sustainable development goals and businesses’ corporate responsibility are becoming more relevant every year, and private companies are also realizing the need to focus on the issues mentioned in their agenda. Businesses must unite on joint platforms to achieve rapid results as the process evolves. From this point of view, the resources and capabilities of the UN Global Compact Network Georgia are invaluable. Business awareness will increase, and existing successful examples will motivate the private sector to join forces. The synergistic effect will be more impactful than the results achieved by individual companies.

Ketevan Jamarauli – Board Member

General Manager of Sevsamora Company

Why is it important to have the UN Global Compact in Georgia? What has this initiative changed in business behavior in recent years?

The UN Global Compact is an international platform for corporate sustainability that aims to bring businesses together for a better future. This initiative is a great responsibility for each company in the network. There are many reasons why the presence of the UN Global Compact in Georgia is significant, but being a member of the network is primarily about reputation. It is also an opportunity to work with and learn from other companies with similar values. The projects that UNGCNG offers member companies help them develop a new business model that allows them to become more competitive and stronger. Within the framework of various projects, organizations become familiar with and start implementing innovative practices that reduce the negative impact on the environment caused by business activities. The changes in business behavior have been especially noticeable in recent years. They have developed the desire and ability to conduct their activities responsibly and significantly contribute to achieving sustainable development goals in economic, social, and environmental terms.

How do you envisage the development of the UN Global Compact Network Georgia in the following years?
In the coming years, the high standards and principles on which the UN Global Agreement is based will contribute to the well-being of society and the country, and it is gratifying to see each member contributing to the common good. UNGC has a lot of resources to help businesses become more efficient in their work process. Soon, even more companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, will have the opportunity to participate in local and international events, receive individual consultations from experts in various fields and, most importantly, have the opportunity to integrate into a wider business community. Only by sharing our experiences and best practices (which is what membership in the UN Global Compact Network enables us to do) can we make significant and large-scale changes for the development of our country and for achieving a better future at the global level.
