
European Standard of Management of Develor Georgia

Develor is an international consulting and training company that has operated in Europe for over 30 years and has worked actively in Georgia and Azerbaijan for over eight years. Develor Georgia cooperates with medium and large businesses. It helps their leaders achieve real results from corporate training, manage teams according to European standards, and change employees’ behaviour in the workplace.

How ready is the private sector to implement international standards regarding human rights, labour rights, environmental protection, and the fight against corruption? Mariam Beridze, Managing Director of Develor Georgia, answers this question.

Develor International has more than 30 years of experience in the international market, and the Georgia office was established eight years ago. Tell us about the company’s corporate sustainability strategy; what priorities has Develor set according to the strategy?

Develor International’s corporate sustainability strategy is focused on three main areas: environmental protection, social impact, and economic growth. With 30 years of international experience and eight years of operation in Georgia, we strive to enhance and develop both international and local markets.

Protecting the environment means that each team member understands the responsibility and tries to do less environmental harm with our actions. We help organizations raise awareness in this direction and aim to impact the communities in which we operate positively.

Regarding economic growth, our goal is to support sustainable economic growth through business development. Our training and consulting services are designed to ensure the innovation and success of companies in Georgia and other countries in the rapidly changing market conditions. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and resilience, we help our clients build sustainable businesses that contribute to the circular economy. Our sustainability strategy addresses today’s needs and leaves a worthy legacy for future generations so they can work in a healthy environment and reach their full potential. We believe that by integrating sustainability into our core operations, we can make a significant difference and set an example for the international business community.

In December 2023, Georgia received the candidacy for EU membership. Why is this success important for the Georgian business sector? To what extent is the private sector ready to implement international standards in human rights, labour rights, environmental protection, and the fight against corruption?

Obtaining the EU membership candidate status is important for Georgia and can benefit the Georgian business sector. This means increasing access to the EU market, which will help boost exports, investment, and economic growth. Also, trust is strengthened: compliance with EU standards increases the credibility and attractiveness of Georgian businesses for international investors and partners. The reforms implemented to fulfill the EU membership criteria contribute to economic development and infrastructure improvement. It is also important to introduce international standards regarding human and labour rights. Many companies implement policies aligning with international standards, but I think more effort is required.

Overall, the private sector is headed in the right direction, but achieving full compliance with EU standards will require more effort, steadfast commitment to the European course, and increased investments.

Can you share with us an initiative or program of your company that promotes the private sector’s adoption of these standards? Develor’s more than 30 years of experience in the European market allow us to introduce Western standards to Georgian organisations. We actively cooperate with medium and large businesses and offer them several programs to help leaders cope with existing challenges and develop skills to create healthier, results-oriented, stronger teams. Our team helps them understand the global trends that affect the work process and manage the teams according to the standards implemented in many European countries.
