
Corporate sustainability academy launches first professional certificate course

Lana Chkhartishvili

Senior Manager of Educational Programs, Global Compact Network Georgia

Indeed, education is the first step in gaining knowledge, developing critical thinking, empowering yourself and obtaining the skills needed to make this world a better place.

We at the Global Compact Network Georgia strive to create enabling environments for businesses to learn, share experiences and partner with other like-minded companies on Sustainable Development Goals. We facilitate multi-stakeholder partnerships that benefit both businesses and the society in which they work.

Our Family: The UN Global Compact is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, which aims to establish sustainable and responsible corporate standards in the business sector. The platform is based on the Ten Principles in the fields of; human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. The organization works intensively with the business sector, as well as with the government, media, educational institutions, non-governmental and international organizations and other stakeholders to achieve the goals set out in the Sustainable Development Agenda.

Our Academy: Being a UN initiative, we provide businesses with a globally recognized framework of standards that combine international experience with local touch. We are very excited to announce that Global Compact Network Georgia launched its first ever professional certificate course on Corporate Sustainability. Global Compact Network Georgia’s CS Academy is open to all interested stakeholders.

Our program allows graduates to acquire knowledge in sustainable corporate management, learn ethical working standards and bring benefits to the business and society by implementing corporate sustainability principles in their organisations.

The curriculum consists of 7 different modules covering a number of topics, such as: ethical leadership, sustainable corporate governance, modern Human Resource (HR) management approaches, business integrity, anti-corruption measures, integrating social and environmental aspects into the business plan, stakeholder management and non-financial reporting. Our Academy is open to anyone who wants to grow their business by applying innovative, standards-based, and sustainable approaches to their operations. Also, to those who would like to promote responsible and sustainable business environments in Georgia.

International and Local Expert Involvement: CS Academy’s 60-hour certificate course curriculum was developed with the support and full-time assistance of high-level international and local experts; Mr. Paul Garrison, Professor of Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, former Dean of Business Faculty of Central European University, and the former CEO of CocaCola Hungary conducted 2 full day training courses for local high level professionals operating on management positions in different business entities. Therefore the curriculum, as well as training materials were transferred to high level local trainers through a TOT. In order to effectively promote sustainable practices in Georgia, it is important to find and engage practitioner business people, CEO’s, leaders and subject professionals operating in the field. Each module contains modern – up to date information, latest theories and case studies envisaging local and international examples from world’s largest corporate initiatives, such as Harvard business review cases, OECD guidelines, IFC tools and latest materials, UN Guiding Principles on Corporate Sustainability practices.

Why Corporate Sustainability Academy: During the past couple of years, we have been actively promoting the Sustainable Development Agenda and raising awareness among the business community on UN Global Compact 10 principles and how to integrate sustainability standards in their business plans and operations; explaining paramount benefits of such smart and innovative approaches. However, challenges remain and as studies showed still there is a lack of knowledge and a need of awareness raising in the private sector.

Now, more than ever, it is important to engage the businesses to promote responsible business conduct locally in Georgia and worldwide. The global crisis of COVID-19 has shown us the importance of social welfare; therefore, it is critical to business, the government and civil society to unite our forces and stand together in order to invest in the world’s sustainable future.

Holding proper education in this field helps companies think and behave in a way that contributes to their growth and overall success, improves employee satisfaction and creates a healthy environment in the organization. In addition, CS Education develops human personality, approaches and prepares people for life’s challenges.

CS Education in Georgia aims to building capacity, knowledge and awareness among principal stakeholders in: business, government, CSOs, media and youth – on the concept of corporate sustainability and its importance for the business and the community; on ways of building sustainable market economy.

Global Compact Network Georgia has established a first ever educational platform that simply is a key to success; all participants who undergo our course become Ambassadors of change inside the company, as well as in their communities.

Enrolling in our academy will most certainly translate into the organization’s sustainable growth and long-term profitability. The certified courses at Corporate Sustainability Academy will be open to any interested applicant.

Who may apply: Company representatives and any other Individuals interested in growing or promoting sustainable business;

Representatives of Government Institutions, who are tasked to promote responsible business conduct on the policy level;

Non-Governmental Organizations willing to learn how to partner with businesses around sustainable projects / activities;

Media representatives who are ready to engage in the awareness raising efforts of CS, thus contributing to sustainable development in the country.
