
Cellfie Mobile’s Sustainability Strategy

Cellfie Mobile is a Georgian company that provides subscribers with a mobile connection. Cellfie combines many years of experience accumulated in the local telecom industry with significant international practice. The company has adapted and implemented the latest standards of the global telecom industry, including business ethics and compliance, customer data protection, and efficiency and transparency of business processes. Cellfie serves more than 1.3 million users in Georgia. The company is actively developing and, along with the renewal and expansion of the existing network, is the only Georgian mobile operator introducing licensed 5G technology in Georgia.

As a United Nations Global Compact member and a signatory to the Principles of Women’s Empowerment, Cellfie Mobile is deeply committed to corporate sustainability and gender equality through systemic approaches. This commitment extends to initiatives that are particularly significant for Georgia, especially after it obtained the status of candidacy for EU membership.

Ia Mameishvili, the Head of the Ethics and Compliance Unit of Cellfie Mobile, articulates the company’s sustainability strategy and the pivotal role of the business sector in accelerating the European integration process.

What is the company’s corporate sustainability strategy, and what priorities have Cellfie Mobile set according to this strategy?

Cellfie Mobile’s corporate sustainability strategy is multi-faceted, encompassing several key areas. The company is dedicated to supporting technology and innovation, promoting initiatives that contribute to technological progress, such as creating various applications and technological solutions. It also focuses on developing digital skills and knowledge through workshops and competitions (hackathons). Additionally, Cellfie Mobile is committed to improving access to education by leveraging the digital ecosystem to make quality education widespread and reach the part of the population with the least access. Lastly, the company is actively involved in environmental protection, introducing environmentally friendly technologies, consuming energy from environmentally friendly sources, and others.

The company has implemented the best standards of the global telecom industry, including ethics and compliance, protection of customer data, and efficiency and transparency of business processes. Why is it important to implement international standards, and what advantages do these standards give to the company?

The purpose of the compliance program is to create a transparent and honest business environment both inside and outside the company. It aims to provide equal opportunities for employees, customers, and business partners. Business practices based on the norms of business ethics improve the company and its image; it is considered a reliable and desirable partner for all stakeholders, especially when cooperating with non-resident companies, whose requirements and standards are quite high, in which case the company’s reputation, honesty and standards of transparency play a very important role. The employees also pay great attention to the company’s reputation. Many studies show that the job seeker makes a choice based on the company’s healthy work environment and corporate culture. The desired work environment is created by equal opportunities for employment and development, relationships based on respect, and the right values.

The compliance program implemented in Cellfie Mobile is based on the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act principles. As you know, corruption is one of the world’s most important challenges. In the fight against corruption, united forces are required, but they are not enough to implement legislative changes or measures in state agencies. The business must adapt to changes and implement effective mechanisms simultaneously or even ahead of schedule.

The greater the number of companies in the country with a value-based corporate culture, an effective corporate compliance program, personal data protection, cyber security norms, and high corporate sustainability, the higher the reputation of the country and such companies, directly affecting each member of society and their wellbeing.

Cellfie Mobile is a member of the Think Lab for Business Integrity, which was created in cooperation with the United Nations Global Compact and UNODC. Tell us about the working group.

We are glad to have the honour of being the only Georgian company among 25 companies that were selected as a member of the Business Integrity Working Group. The Working Group’s purpose is to contribute to the update of the Anti-corruption Ethics and Business Compliance Program – Practical Guide developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 10 years ago. The Guide update is related to the 20th anniversary of the 10th principle of the UN Global Compact, which will be held in New York this September. The draft of the guide developed by the Working Group and the group of experts will be presented within the framework of this event and the General Assembly. I will be happy to share detailed information about the participation and experience of the Working Group after moving into the active phase of the working group.

Georgia received the candidacy for EU membership in December 2023. Why is this success important for the Georgian business sector?

The status of a candidate for EU membership means that the country must make positive changes that will align it with EU requirements and bring it closer to membership. This is not just a bureaucratic process but a significant step towards aligning our business sector with the values ​​of the European Union – the respect and protection of human rights, the rule of law, the creation of equal opportunities for all, and the protection of private property and others. The more secure and democratic the business environment, the more conducive it is for development. Therefore, obtaining the status is extremely positive for the Georgian business sector and each of us.

What would be your recommendation to the business sector and other stakeholders? How can we speed up the EU integration process, and what role can they play in this process?

I can speak from my perspective. High civic responsibility, commitment to values, honesty, and acting according to the norms of business ethics are very important in European integration. In addition to the central government and self-governing bodies, it is important to increase the awareness and involvement of business and civil society, hold relevant work meetings, allocate lecture hours in educational institutions, and encourage experience sharing within the business sector.

It’s easier to act enthusiastically and achieve success when you fully understand the task and its benefits and commit to it wholeheartedly.
