
BetterFly Strategy in Response to the Global Challenges

BetterFly was founded in 2008 to encourage innovative ideas and improve services in the Georgian advertising market. Its emergence as a media agency soon led to partnerships with large and reputable companies. BetterFly helped its clients by planning and implementing effective integrated marketing communication through innovative approaches and quality assurance. As a result, the small advertising company was quickly transformed into a large-scale, multidimensional communication holding agency that values corporate sustainability by considering it a key component for long-term success.

BetterFly account manager – Kato Nemsadze talks about the sustainability strategy of the company.

How important is corporate sustainability in your work?

Nowadays, many companies recognize sustainability as a key component of their strategy. Corporate sustainability is important for a company to achieve long-term success, develop innovative ideas, and positively contribute to social and environmental welfare. Integrating the corporate sustainability standards into our work process allows us to attract customers aware of these issues and want to promote public welfare.

At BetterFly, we believe that sustainability should be at the heart of every business decision. For this reason, it is our mission to create impactful campaigns that encourage the development of products and services for our customers and raise awareness of sustainability’s importance.

Our team shares the same values regarding the environment and a green future. We are committed to using our experience to impact the planet positively, and we take pride in every project we undertake.

Our project, Ertoba (Unity), was created to restore relationships that residential complex neighbors experienced years ago. It was a space where people of all ages, sex and interests gathered to participate in diverse activities together. We planned the Startup Market project to support startups and promote awareness of their products and services.

We implemented the BetterHelp project during the pandemic when it was especially difficult for newly established businesses to adapt to the new reality. To find the right solution in a crisis, in the project framework, we helped the newly formed companies develop a three-month action plan and a strategy free of charge for this project’s two-month duration. The interest was high not only from the startups but also from large companies. During this period, we provided services to about 30 companies.

Which Sustainable Development Goals have you prioritized?SDG 5 (Gender Equality) is of utmost importance to us. In BetterFly and its subsidiary entities, women and men are equally represented in almost all departments at various levels of management, including leadership positions. SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) is also a priority. Since BetterFly’s founding, the most important issues have been protecting the labor rights of each team member, creating the environment they desire and involving young people in the workplace and supporting their professional development. We encourage the interests and develop the qualification of each team member through the training series. The most valuable asset for our agency is our team, and the well-being of each team member is of utmost importance to the company.

Why did you decide to join the UN Global Compact, and why is it important to mobilize the private sector to create a better world?

The members of the UN Global Compact publicly adhere to the goals of sustainable and responsible business practices, which allows them to share information with a broader public.

Based on our background, we have the means to raise public awareness about these challenges in our communication campaigns and galvanize our clients and partners around common issues. By joining efforts, we can make a real difference in the world and create a better future for ourselves and the next generations.

Bringing the private sector companies together is essential because it leverages positive impact, fosters innovations, helps to mobilize resources and promotes shared responsibility to create a better world. Collaboration enables the private sector entities to act collectively and, thus, respond more effectively to global challenges, which in turn contributes to achieving Sustainable Development Goals and creating an equitable world.

What does a responsible company mean to you, and why should the private sector take responsibility for the harm caused by its activities?

A responsible company considers the impact of its activities on stakeholders and the wider community. It transcends the interest of economic growth and actively seeks to minimize any negative impact it may have on the environment, society, employees and customers.

As a member of society, the company has a moral obligation to act in a way that promotes respect for human rights, fosters environmental protection and contributes to the welfare of society.

The private sector must assume responsibility for the harm caused by its practices, which will contribute to the company’s sustainability, build trust and a good reputation for the enterprise and build competitive advantages.

By taking responsibility, companies can play a vital role in creating a more sustainable and responsible business environment.

What are your plans? What kind of projects do you plan to implement in the future?

This year, as a result of the implementation of one of our projects, SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) was added to our priorities.

With our partner Vintylator, we planned and implemented the greenest festival, Green Market. It was a social festival – an eco-market of vintage, sustainable, green items and social enterprises. The Green Market is also a platform to discuss the green future in which eco-startups, responsible companies and green entrepreneurs talk to one another about innovations, responsible projects and environmental protection.

This year, we plan to implement several events within the Green Market. It is our goal and a great desire to implement multiple similar projects.
