American Chamber of Commerce

About the company:
American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) is the largest international business association in Georgia with up to 200 members. The main goal of AmCham is to strengthen partnerships between the U.S. and Georgia and improve business environment in Georgia.
Vocational education, professional training and internship, supporting development of waste management systems, eco-friendly initiatives, empowering companies to reduce waste.
“I am pleased to confirm that American Chamber of Commerce in Georgia reaffirms its support to the United Nations Global Compact and its global goals. This is our Communication on Engagement with the United Nations Global Compact. We welcome feedback on its contents.
In this Communication of Engagement, we describe the actions that our organization has taken to support the UN Global Compact and its Principles as suggested for an organization like ours. We also commit to sharing this information with our stakeholders using our primary channels of communication. ” – George Welton, CEO