
  • Organization:


  • Sector:


  • Address:

    37/39 Kostava Street, Tbilisi, Georgia, 0179

  • Phone:

    995 32 224 12 11

  • E-mail: [email protected]

About Us

Anagi, the largest construction company in Georgia, was founded in 1989 and soon after became the most significant enterprise within the construction sector. We have since maintained our critical role with dignity and a continued commitment to excellence.

Anagi is chiefly engaged in civil and industrial construction, covering the full range and all phases of construction. The company is always ready to offer full-service packages to our customers – starting from design work right up to the commissioning of a site.

Since 2011, we have been committed to the Quality Management System – ISO 9001. In 2017, Anagi also successfully completed recertification in accordance with the International Organization for Standardization and obtained its ISO 9001:2015 certificate. In 2019, it received ISO 45001:2018 for proper operation of the labor safety and health management system. Anagi continually prioritizes the implementation of modern technologies and effective management systems, though construction always comes first.

The company employs highly qualified engineers, most with over 10 years of experience in the industry, backed up by a strong administrative team comprising high-level professionals in the fields of finance, law, technical support, project management, quality control, and from various other spheres. Beyond our engineering specialists, we employ 3,000 professionals from the sector.

The company constantly strives to meet highly competitive market requirements and to deliver exclusive services, while always considering modern improvements and changes to the construction sector.

At Anagi we attach special importance to every single customer and continually fulfill their requirements to the absolute maximum. 

Key Areas and Fields of Activity

Anagi offers its clientele the full package of both design and construction services, or any individual part, including:

  • Construction of hotels, single-family homes, and other residential, public, and industrial buildings 
  • MEP
  • Interior design
  • Interior and exterior finishing works
  • Management of design and construction activities
  • Provision of construction machinery services and motor vehicles
  • Advisory services for an organization, technology, legal procedures, and many other directions within the field
  • Laboratory services that determine the quality of building products and materials, and fulfill compliance with the appropriate standards

Quality Policy

Anagi LLC strives to be a leader in a very competitive market, and by fully satisfying our customers’ requirements we justify their trust. The quality policy is in place to continuously improve our construction and installation works, and thus to demonstrate our position in the market.

We as an organization maintain an obligation to our customers to:

  • Participate in government tenders
  • Comply with all applicable laws and international standards
  • Continuously improve the efficiency of our quality management system
  • Periodically check the quality of our suppliers and the resources supplied
  • Carefully review customer complaints and promptly resolve any problem
  • Have close relationships with customers to better explore their desires and meet their expectations
  • Provide all available information about the means and capabilities of the organization within the framework of every project
  • Improve the quality of construction and installation works, and maintain our clients’ trust by means of our competence, efficiency, and by addressing customer needs
  • Create a suitable working environment for our management and employees, that which increases their productivity and strengthens motivation
  • Use innovative and high-quality technologies and resources in order to achieve the most efficient results
  • Always have qualified personnel ready to implement new projects, while also enhancing their professionalism and specialist qualifications, as well as improving our infrastructure

Workplace Hygiene and Safety Policy

Both workplace hygiene and labor protection are a part of Anagi’s Health and Safety Policy. The key objective of the Workplace Safety Policy is to ensure that all employees work within an environment where they enjoy a high level of adherence to the principles of equality, collegiality, and mutual respect and that they have the tools and the aid necessary to carry out their duties effectively. This commitment is supported in our company policies via the Health, Safety, and Environmental Management System.

Workplace hygiene, safety, and environmental protection are the main tasks controlled by Anagi’s Occupational Safety Unit, which was created for the effective, everyday control of operational and strategic issues and is committed to the following ideas:

– Ensuring the systematic improvement of working conditions
– Protecting employee labor rights
– Improving hygiene and sanitary conditions
– Providing necessary training and instruction for all employees

Under our various commitments, the company feels obliged to:

  • Comply with all applicable legislation and international standards
  • Periodically review the quality of our suppliers and the resources supplied
  • Continuously improve the efficiency of our labor protection and hygiene system
  • Carefully study customer claims and resolve any problems in the shortest possible time
  • Use innovative and high-quality technologies and resources to achieve the most effective results
  • Improve the quality of work performed by labor protection staff, and ensure their close cooperation with clients to properly assess their needs and meet customer expectations
  • Regularly hire qualified staff in order to implement new projects, while improving their professional skills and providing them with continuous learning, and developing infrastructure
  • Provide maximum information to customers during project implementation regarding the company’s capabilities and abilities
  • Increase productiveness, and create an adequate working environment for the management and employees, while also strengthening their motivation

Human Rights

Labor Rights

Environmental Protection

Fight Against Corruption