Georgian Farmers' Association (GFA)

  • Organization:

    Georgian Farmers' Association (GFA)

  • Sector:

    Non-governmental organization

  • Contact person:

    Tamta Mamulaidze

  • Tel:

    032 219 30 03

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Address:

    Tbilisi, 16a Ateni Street

Our mission is to strengthen the agricultural sector in Georgia and   improve quality of life of Georgian farmers through bringing the farmers together and promoting their visibility.
Vision – Our vision is to increase agricultural productivity in Georgia, strengthen the competitiveness of farmers and ensure that their contribution to the economic development of Georgia is recognized.
History – The Georgian Farmers’ Association (GFA) was founded in 2012 and is a non-commercial, non-for-profit legal entity. Currently, the organization unites about 4,000 farmers across Georgia. The Association acts as a facilitator between the government and farmers. GFA actions and initiatives are implemented in line with its mandate adopted by its members.

As a member of the UN global agreement, GFA aims to incorporate the global agreement principles into its organizational culture through communication with partners, protection of the rights of beneficiaries, advocacy, anti-corruption practices, organizational involvement in environmental protection activities, the motivation and retention of employees, access to education, and ability to offer better services.

An emphasis on Social Corporate Responsibility has been incorporated into nearly all projects implemented by the GFA. The association supports strengthening the farmers’ business potential and the development of micro-, small- and mid-size enterprises as well as provides services that are meant to help its beneficiaries to comply with international standards.

With its vocational education programs, aavailable to certain target groups (such as women, people in penitentiary institutions and persons with disabilities) GFA helps them to pursue sustainable economic opportunities.

Decision-making on partnership projects:
The Georgian Farmers’ Association makes decisions in grant competitions announced with the support of donor organizations with the involvement of an independent commission. The competition often consists of several stages and it takes 1-3 weeks to get the final results. Most contestants need to present a motivation letter and/or business plan with additional documents. The most important process is monitoring, which allows us to keep the project standing.


One of the priorities of the Georgian Farmers’ Association is to promote the development of corporate social responsibility, which, in the opinion of the organization’s management and each employee, implies the possibility of creating a better future.

Human Rights

Labor Rights

Environmental Protection

Fight Against Corruption