Representative Office of Les Laboratoires Servier

  • Organization:

    Representative Office of Les Laboratoires Servier

  • Size:


  • Sector:

    Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology

  • Contact person:

    Nino Khabuliani

  • Tel:

    +995 32 243 93 90

  • Email: nino.khabuliani@servier.com
  • Address:

    Tbilisi, Kote Abkhaz Str. 44

Representation of the French pharmaceutical company Les Laboratoires Servier in Georgia was established in 2003 and is one of the leading companies among the European pharmaceutical companies in the market. The company provides information to the medical community about the highest quality original medications and makes the medicines available to patients.


In the direction of healthcare, the company aims to raise awareness about a specific disease, both in the medical community and throughout the general population. In the direction of staff care, the company aims to create a healthy and decent work environment and provide them with opportunities for continuous education, professional growth, and development. The company ensures the well-being of its employees by providing competitive pay and creating a safe and healthy work environment.

Decision-making on partnership projects: 

With the initiative of the company, various projects in the field of health are often implemented, such as raising the awareness of the general public about various diseases. At the same time, NGOs can contact us at any time with an idea, the company will check the compliance of the proposed project with the global goals, and within two weeks decides on cooperation. The initiator must present a clear goal and expected results, as well as the documentation proving the implemented project.


“Sustainable development must meet the needs of the present, without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Human Rights

Labor Rights

Environmental Protection

Fight Against Corruption