Conference “Women Empowerement Principles Implementation in Georgia”

On December 1, the conference was held on topic  “Implementation of Women’s Empowerment Principles in Georgia.” The conference was organized by UN Women and NGO “CiDA” – represantator of UN Global Compact Network Georgia’s secretariat.

The conference was dedicated to implementing gender equality and women’s empowerment initiatives in the business sector of Georgia and it was attended by business sector, government, non-governmental and international organizations.

At the conference, seven business companies who signed last year’s Women’s Strengthening Principles (WEPs) presented a report of activities carried out last year. It should be noted, that seven more companies have joined this year in support of women’s empowerment principles, with aim to actively encourage gender equality and non-discriminatory approach to employment in the next year.

CiDA activities are supported by the European and East West Management Institute (EWMI) in the framework of the ACCESS project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
